But this time, I managed to find a REALLY cool recipe for decadent, egg-free dairy-free chocolate cake.
So this is her very first home-baked birthday cake from Mommy!
Over the course of 1 week, I made like 5 of the same cakes in a row:
Cake 1 - Tin Hang Zai's Colleagues (aka guinea pigs for most of my baking experiments) "they all say very nice!"
Cake 2 - For my family's Christmas get-together-cum-Little Pixie's birthday cake "yummy!"
Cake 3 - For Becks, my "apprentice" "I like it. I'd give it 9 out of 10"
Cake 4 - For the Goose & Gremlins "too much frosting!"
Cake 5 - For Lasik's Friend Liz "tastes like Awfully Chocolate!"
I haven't wanted to see, smell, taste or eat anything chocolate since.