Monday, January 01, 2007

After 16 years....

I chanced upon a 'New Year Resolution' I did 16 years ago!!! And it had the same grouse that I have now - 16 years later!

After 16 years, I'm still attempting to do too many things at the same time, creating a treadmill that goes nowhere and from which I tell myself I can't alight.

When I was ....

A Student - I wanted to be good at everything. ECA, exercise, grades.
In College - I wanted to be good at everything. Biking, tuition, grades, exercise, church, friends.
Working - I want to be good at everything. Grades, family, friends, money, hobbies (cooking, volunteering, piano, blading, jogging, Pilates).

Now I am a mother - I still attempt to be good at everything. Wifehood, parenting, nutrition, trying to become the best cook, hobbies (all of the above plus being a walking health, food & nutrition encyclopedia), home business, 'meaning in life', 'fulfilment in motherhood', branching into TCM and macrobiotics.

This year, my resolution is to break this pattern.

I will have LESS resolutions - and SLOW DOWN.
SMELL THE ROSES.... and I will enjoy what I have been blessed with.

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