Friday, January 05, 2007

Against all odds...Dr William Tan

I was so inspired after watching this last night.

One thing he said about his parents (too poor and uneducated to give him a polio vaccine) was that 'They did their best'. And that is going to be on my epitaph too.

Another thing that struck me was - he got expelled for biting all his classmates who bullied him - the only way he could defend himself. .... life was unfair to him - it wasn't his fault - and he got expelled.

And the next school he went to - he endured all the bullying because he didn't want to let his parents down.

He didn't become a hard-boiled egg (which I did), or become a limp carrot (which I did too), but he became a coffee bean (which I will) and made a difference (and still does) with his life.

2007: I will BE a coffee bean

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