Friday, October 20, 2006

Inspiration Hits

To Stuff your Stomach, Stock your house with Staples

Almond Custard

The Pixie had had enough of burning her brown rice despite following ALL recipe instructions. Time to try the Slow-Cooker. After 2 hrs, a nice batch of unburnt brown rice appeared - but she hadn't intended to cook.

The Pixie Thought Process
Since the rice is hot - take out blender and make brown rice milk (recipe calls for hot rice)
Since blender is out - and since there is extra rice - puree and make brown rice porridge
Since the brown rice milk required some almond powder and the tin has been opened - make some almond drink
Since there is no one drinking it - and since there is extra gelatine - turn the almond drink into almond custard
Almond-flavoured Brown Rice Milk (happy Canton Pixie)
Brown Rice Porridge (Happy Little Pixie)
Cold Almond Custard (Happy Tin Hang Zai)

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